Naked Winemaker

Sally Calneggia, Amy Vitale, Severine Logan (Chicas)



Sally Calneggia, Amy Vitale, Severine Logan 's Wines

  • Australia
  • 3 wines
  • 2 styles

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Three successful women in wine bringing a taste of Europe down under.

  • We could say the Chicas are full of energy, that their sense of joy is naturally infused into what they do. We could be flippant and use the line that “girls just want to have fun”, but that would take away from the huge list of awards and accomplishments these three women have on their resumes.

  • We could say they’re ambitious and determined – two traits they all openly admit to owning and applying in various degrees and different ways to their label.

  • But the Chicas women said it best themselves: “We are three strong and successful women in the wine industry bringing a taste of Europe to Australia.” Ready to let your tastebuds do some travelling and check them out for yourself?

Sally Calneggia, Amy Vitale, Severine Logan 's Activity